Brighton Seapals is our inclusive recreational football offering for women, non-binary and trans people in Brighton & Hove. In addition to weekly sessions, members also have the opportunity to play at events suited to their ability level and attend regular socials.
Recreational football is a great way to try something new, keep fit, make friends or get back into the game after some time away. Sessions are for players aged 18+ and focus on building confidence and enjoying yourself, rather than competitive play. Each session starts with a welcome circle where where everyone gets to know each other. After playing, we usually socialise at a location nearby.
Seapals Membership is £15 per year. All sessions are ‘pay as you go’ booked directly through our club app where members can also chat, sign up for events and catch up on club news.
FOOTBALL FOR ALL: If your financial circumstances are a barrier to you accessing membership or suitable footwear/clothing, you can contact our Welfare Officer in confidence and they’ll be happy to help.
Contact the Club Welfare Officer.